PGP 安裝完成後,在用戶端介面中找不到硬碟可加密 (或是出現 unknown error 11980)

目前 PGP 不支援 4K sector byte size,僅支援 512 sector byte size



以下是 PGP 安裝完成後,在 Mac 用戶端介面中找不到硬碟可加密的畫面

您可以參考以下網頁來確認 sector byte size

【Symantec Drive Encryption How to find the sector byte size】

For Windows

在命令提示字元輸入 fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo c:


For Mac



diskutil info /| grep “Block Size"

$ diskutil info /| grep "Block Size"


已安裝 Symantec Drive Encryption (PGP WDE) 且已完成加密的用戶端,如何在不解密的狀況下,移轉到新的 PGP 主控台?


1. Click on the Symantec Encryption Desktop icon by the time, in the task bar and click Exit PGP Services.







2. Delete the Symantec Encryption Desktop client preferences:

Click Start > Run… on Windows XP or Click Start and type “%appdata%" on Windows Vista or Windows 7.

Change directory into PGP Corporation/PGP and delete PGPpolicy.xml and PGPprefs.xml.

開啟檔案總管,在路徑中輸入 【%appdata%】 並按下 【Enter】


双按【PGP Corporation】






3. Update the PGPSTAMP registry entry to point to the new Symantec Encryption Management Server:
Click Start>Run… on XP or Click Start and type regedit on Vista or Windows 7.
Browse to this Key name:
64 bit system:
32 bit system:

按下鍵盤的【Windows 鍵】+【R】,並輸入【regedit】來開啟註冊機碼編輯器


此畫面為 Windows 7 32 位元,路徑為【HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PGP Corporation\PGP】

Right-click the string value “PGPSTAMP" and select Modify to change the Value data from “ovid=<Old Symantec Encryption Management Server name>&mail=*&admin=1″ to “ovid=<New Symantec Encryption Management Server FQDN>&mail=*&admin=1″ without the quotes.

將值由舊的 ovid=<keys11.elite2003.intra>&mail=*&admin=1 (舊主控台的 FQDN)

   改為新的 ovid=<keys.elite2003.intra>&mail=*&admin=1 (新主控台的 FQDN)


新的 ovid=<keys.elite2003.intra>&mail=*&admin=1 (新主控台的 FQDN)


3.  Restart PGP services:
Click Start > All Programs > Startup > PGP Tray.
This will prompt Symantec Encryption Desktop to contact the new server for enrollment.

重啟用戶端 PGP 服務


新的 PGP server 會要求重新註冊,請按下【Always Allow for This Site】來重新註冊


因為是整合 AD 驗證,目前登入的網域使用者帳戶會自動帶出,請輸入該網域使用者的網域密碼,即可完成 PGP client 的移轉


Symantec Drive Encryption (PGP WDE) 用戶端支援列表

【Apple Mac OS X】

PGP is supported on single Mac platform

Meet the OS version requirements
OS 10.8.4, 10.8.5, 10.9.0 ~ 10.9.4


1.Other encryption applications installed
2.Bootcamp system
3.Non-intel chips
4.Open FileVault
5.Disks formatted using the APM partition scheme
6.Any type of server hardware, including RAID disk drives and software RAID drives
7.Diskettes and CD-RW/DVD-RWs
8.exFAT formatted disks
9.Any configuration where the system partition is not on the same disk as boot partition


1.only support Intel based,and disk type are GPT or MBR, not support APM.(KB 10.9.4 now.(


PGP is supported on single Ubuntu platform

Meet the OS version requirements
10.04 LTS
12.04 LTS – 12.04.1, 12.04.2, 12.04.3


1.Other encryption applications installed
2.Kernel Version higher than 3.8.0-29-generic


1.12.04 0nly support kernel 3.8.0-29-generic(KB
2.There are no plans to support Ubuntu 11.04 now or in a future release.(KB


PGP is supported on single Windows platform

Meet the OS version requirements
Microsoft Windows 8, 8.1 Enterprise (32 bit and 64bit version)
Microsoft Windows 8, 8.1 Pro (32 bit and 64-bit version)
Microsoft Windows 7 (All 32 bit and 64 bit version, including Service Pack 1)
Microsoft Windows Vista (All 32 bit and 64 bit version, including Service Pack 2)
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (Service Pack 2 above)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional 64-bit (Service Pack 2 above)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional 32-bit (Service Pack 2 above)


1.Other encryption applications installed
2.Dynamic disks
3.SCSI drives/controllers
4.Software RAID disks
5.Diskettes and CD-RW/DVD-RWs

【Dual OS for Mac boot cam】

PGP is not supported on Mac Boot Cam

【Dual OS : Mac platform with Windows OS running on the parallels software】

PGP is supported on multi-OS, just install PGP in Mac platform

【Dual OS : Ubuntu and Windows running on the Ubuntu boot service (GNU GRUB)】

PGP is supported on multi-OS, just install PGP in Windows platform, then install PGP in Ubuntu platform

【Unsupported Disk Format】

.Dynamic disks
.SCSI drives/controllers
.Software RAID disks
.Diskettes and CD-RW/DVD-RWs
Mac OS X
.Disks formatted using the APM partition scheme
.Any type of server hardware, including RAID disk drives and software RAID drives
.Diskettes and CD-RW/DVD-RWs
.exFAT formatted disks
.Any configuration where the system partition is not on the same disk as boot partition
.Starting from version 10.3.2, Symantec Encryption Desktop is not compatible with
    Apple Boot Camp on any Apple Mac OS X system

為了防止系統出現問題或是Hibernation 回復時資料的遺失,PGP WDE disable Mac OS X Hibernation function

由於 PGP WDE 在處理 Mac OS X Hibernation 回復時,會使用到一個特殊的檔案,但 Mac OS X Hibernation 回復時是拒絕任何外來檔案
所以為了防止系統出現問題或是Hibernation 回復時資料的遺失,PGP WDE disable Mac OS X Hibernation function

Mac OS X

PGP Whole Disk Encryption is not supported with hibernation mode in the Mac OS X. In Mac OS X, an image file is created upon hibernation of the system. Once power is restored, the state of the system is restored, including any open programs or other processes that were running. The location of this file is in /var/vm/sleepimage and is the size of RAM memory on the system.

This mode may be referred to as Safe Sleep, Deep Sleep, or Hibernation. This is not the normal Sleep mode in which the power can remain on, but the system is essentially idle. This mode does not keep an image of the processes, but rather the information is stored in the RAM memory.

The Mac OS X operating system does not support foreign file systems for hibernation. Mac OS X Hibernation mode is not supported with “boot != root". This “boot != root" is essentially the system used by Mac to boot a foreign file system. For PGP Whole Disk Encryption to boot a system, a special file system is used which is considered foreign. As PGP Whole Disk Encryption is considered a foreign file system,hibernation mode is not supported by the Mac OS X< /strong>. 
As a safeguard to prevent system issues and data loss, PGP Desktop disables the hibernation mode on Mac OS X. Although Sleep will still work, deep sleep does not build a sleep image