PGP 登入 BootGuard 後出現 【Missing Operating System】(PGP command)

1. 請將硬碟裝到另一台裝有 PGP 的電腦

登入後會要求輸入 passphrase,因為是整合AD驗證,此時你會發現怎麼輸入都不行

2. 請登出電腦,再使用另外那位使用者的帳號與密碼登入網域,登入後會要求輸入 passphrase,這時候輸入網域密碼就OK了

3. 開啟 PGP command line

透過以下指令來修復 MBR

Windows XP: C:\Program Files\PGP Corporation\PGP Desktop
Windows Vista/Windows 7: C:\Program Files\PGP Corporation\PGP Desktop
Windows Vista/Windows 7 (64-bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\PGP Corporation\PGP Desktop

(1) c:\program files (x86)\pgp corporation\pgp desktop\pgpwde –enum (確認 Disk 編號)


(2) 有可能硬碟目前狀況是解密到一半,請先Check


c:\program files (x86)\pgp corporation\pgp desktop\pgpwde —disk-status –disk X

(3) 若確認硬碟目前狀況是解密到一半,請先stop


c:\program files (x86)\pgp corporation\pgp desktop\pgpwde —stop –passphrase <passphrase> –disk X

(4) fixmbr

c:\program files (x86)\pgp corporation\pgp desktop\pgpwde –disk X —fixmbr –passphrase <passphrase>

X 是 disk 編號

但根據經驗 fixmbr 的指令好像在新版不 work



4. 根據經驗 fixmbr 的指令好像在新版不 work


c:\program files (x86)\pgp corporation\pgp desktop\pgpwde –recover –passphrase “password" –disk X

Recover a disk when a MBR with BootGuard instrumentation is inaccessible.


(1) 請您解密硬碟

(使用 Recover CD)

(或是將硬碟裝到另一台裝有 PGP 的電腦使用 PGPWDE Command-line 解密 【c:\program files (x86)\pgp corporation\pgpwde —decrypt –passphrase <passphrase> –disk 0】)

(2) 進行 chkdsk

(3) 進行 磁碟重組

(4) 若還是無法解決就只能重新安裝OS,或是換一個硬碟

5. PGPWDE Command-line Options

Enterprise Support – Symantec Corp. – PGP WDE Command-line Tool Guide

The following commands are performed at the command prompt in the following directory:

Windows XP: C:\Program Files\PGP Corporation\PGP Desktop

Windows Vista/Windows 7: C:\Program Files\PGP Corporation\PGP Desktop

Windows Vista/Windows 7 (64-bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\PGP Corporation\PGP Desktop


Enumerate system disks

pgpwde –enum

Check the Status of a Disk

pgpwde –disk-status –disk 0

List users

pgpwde –list-user –disk 0

Instrument a Disk – Adds the PGP BootGuard for encryption.

pgpwde –instrument –disk 0

Encrypt a Disk (Manually)

pgpwde –instrument –disk 0

pgpwde –add-user <username> –passphrase <passphrase> –disk 0

pgpwde –encrypt –passphrase <passphrase> –disk 0

Decrypt a Disk

pgpwde –decrypt –passphrase <passphrase> –disk 0

Uninstrument a Disk – Removes the PGP bootguard (Perform this option only on a disk that is not encrypted).

pgpwde –uninstrument –disk 0

Stop\Pause the Encryption\Decryption Process

pgpwde –stop –passphrase <passphrase> –disk 0

Recover a disk – Allows a user to recover a disk when a MBR with BootGuard instrumentation is unaccesible.

pgpwde –recover –passphrase “password" –disk 0

Note: This article uses disk 0 as an example. This correlates to the number of the boot disk on the system. However, if additonal hard disks or USB disks are used, the number of the disk may be 1 or 2. To determine the number of the disk on the system, use pgpwde –enum at the command prompt of the PGP Desktop directory.